19 September 2008

Today was Picture Day!!!

So today was picture day at IHM school which meant that my favorite ladies and I had to go take a picture. Thankfully I dressed somewhat decent because I forgot that it was picture day. Claire, who is our coordinator for religious ed, said i looked just fine and asked if i read GQ.

i then waited in line with a bunch of 5th graders to take my picture and saw how the kids were playing in the gym. i asked terry my mentor if i could peace out of work today and just go play. she said no. when i was taking my picture, the lady said she would make me look GQ.

i was walking by the cafeteria when i got introduced to the ladies who work there. i jokingly asked if i could have a free lunch to which they said yes. of course me being me, i couldn't turn down a free lunch. after making 500 copies of some handout and stuffing envelopes, i went to the cafeteria for my pizza sticks, gushers, and orange juice.

here's where it gets interesting. i found an empty table to have lunch by myself when the entire kindgergarten class came over to sit at my table. they told me their names and showed off their lunches and lunchboxes. they were all dressed up because it was picture day-a fact that they reminded me of like 50 times.

so i asked some of the guys if they like batman to which they said yes. the girls said they hated batman because he is a boy. one girl told me she likes princesses. i asked them if they liked any disney princesses. the girls' favorite was ariel because they like swimming.

then they proceeded to ask how old i am. here were some of the guesses: 100, 300, 80, 9, 7, 8, 90, 50, 0 and 1000. i thought about saying yes to one of those numbers but i didn't think it was right to lie.

since they figured out i was fun to talk to, they then eased up and started getting rowdy. one girl told me i was a freezer so i should go eat my lunch and play in the freezer. she ordered me to stick my whole body into the icemachine. i tried and failed. she then told me i was a ear, a door, and a closet.

after this, the kids started getting violent as they said they were going to kill me. i was "scared" by the threats and asked the teacher aide for help. the violence then manifested in a game of thumb war(i lost) and a game of rock, paper, scissors. based on which moves they did before, i basically figured out what move they were going to do next for them to win. i lost all my games except one.

they decided to add another move to the game: knife. the knife means you cut off the hands of the person playing. that one was used a lot to beat me. when they 'chopped off" my hands, i hid them in my sleeves and then had them "regrow". no big.

it was time for them to go so they said bye. i got an ice-cream out of the whole deal. i plan on going back again. it was the best lunch i had in a long time.

p.s. one of the girls asked i had kids. i had to laugh.

p.s.s. i told our associate pastor that i had lunch with 8th graders. he asked me i i had them read The City of God or Aquinas' Summa Theologica.

p.s.s.s. the volunteer secretary is now "mad" that i had lunch with the younger crowd rather than her.

p.s.s.s.s. they are now thinking of having me catechize 1st graders instead of 8th.

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