09 September 2008

And the Winner is...(just in case you didn't check your e-mail)

Dear friends,

a big thank you from D-House for participating in our little trivia contest. we hope that it was as fun for you trying to figure out the answers as it was for us to make it. the correct answers are

1) I prayed the rosary everyday to get into college: Tae
2) I thought about joining the Naval Academy: Sarah
3) I thought about entering a college theater program: Gen
4) I only applied to one college: J-Lew

So the grand prize winner is....

None of you.

While some of you got 1 right, 3 right or decided to be smarta$$ses (i'm looking at you indy house and more specifically swaim and wilcox), none of the houses got all 4 completely correct. the one that people universally missed was question #1: i , tae kang, prayed the rosary everyday to get into college. what? you guys don't think i'm holy or something? sheesh. i'm hurt. just kidding...(i'm actually crying inside)

its actually a pretty good story so if you're interested i will tell it to you.

Just a bit more information

the most popular answers were
1) Sarah
2) Tae
3) Gen
4) J-Lew

We will decide on who to award the prize soon enough. Thank you for participating in D-House Trivia. Look for something else fun in the mail soon from Wilmington-"A Place to be Somebody"



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