06 September 2008

Everyone from Cali is an actor, right?

Sooo... we went to Disney yesterday and Anthony was chosen to participate as an extra in the Indiana Jones show. Unfortunately, the blog will not let me upload the video... BUT Facebook let me upload it. So y'all should head over to Facebook and watch the video! Try this link. If it doesn't work, just go to my profile & you should be able to get to it. My apologies to anyone who doesn't use Facebook. (But I think everyone HAS a profile now... right?)
Enjoy the video!

You should also know that Anthony and I were matching the entire day. It was terribly embarrassing! We didn't see each other until I got to his parish -- jeans and THE EXACT SAME COLOR shirt. Thank you, Old Navy, for making that color red this season. It only took about a half hour before one of the middle schoolers asked if we were married. Cute. Here's some evidence of our matching-ness (while in line for our 2nd Tower of Terror experience of the day):


Genevieve said...


Lindsay said...

You can embed YouTube videos too... That video is fabulous. Let me know if you can't make it work and I can do it ;o)

Isaac Garcia said...

Oh man. This is absolutely hilarious. Anthony = the next James Dean.