18 September 2008

An actual conversation from this morning

Setting: A Bible study that I may be facilitating, in which I am the youngest member by AT LEAST 40 years

Woman (W): So what's your name again?
Meli (M): Meli
W: what?
M: Meli. It rhymes with Kelly.
W: Is that your real name?
M: Yes- It's short for "Melissa"
W: Well good heavens! Why don't you just go by Melissa then? It's such a lovely name
W: Do you not like Melissa? I can't imagine!
M: Not particularly..
W: Well, what's your middle name then?
M: [hesitantly] Ann
W: [incredulously] And you don't like that either? But Ann was Mary's mother! How can you not like Ann?


Paola said...

Well Friend, at least they do not call you whatever they want just because they do not Know how to pronounce your name...And I love your name!!!

Unknown said...

Hahaha. I love old people.

Vegs said...

awww meli =( that's so sad!