02 September 2008

By your powers combined...

Somehow Swaim and started talking about Captain Planet yesterday.

I love captain planet.

I'm not even joking. I had captain planet actions figures when I was a kid. The water girl, Gi was my favorite; I think I watched that show every day.

Swaim told me that some of his ND friends hadn't been allowed to watch Captain Planet because of one episode about population control in which the PSA told kids, "Remember, if you have a family, keep it small!"

So I looked the episode up on YouTube and found it.

So we watched it as a community activity. It was probably the best community activity ever. Ever.

For your enjoyment, part one can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNEoHy-TH2c


Tae said...

random tae fact of the day: i once played Gi (the asian chick who controlled water) in a skit called "Captain Planet and the Inconvenient Truth"

Isaac Garcia said...

You know you're in Echo when you read the title to the post as "By your prayers combined...".

Either way, awesome. CP is a good cartoon show.

Unknown said...

That is amazing! I'll have to watch that when I get back to the house.