27 January 2009

Education, education, education

Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without
it nothing great was ever achieved.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

I ran across an article talking about education that I wanted to share with you guys. It's actually the first chapter of a book (I think), but it's worth the read, especially if you're considering teaching as a vocation. I might end up getting the book...

The number one thing I took from the article is enthusiasm. I hope to be more enthusiastic with my classes from here on out.


Katie said...

that looks great! thanks for sharing isaac! i think we used parts of that book (or teachers just talked about it?) in some of my education classes...

Katie said...

one more thought on education. here's my friend's g.chat status right now. i don't know about ya'll, but it makes me want to go be a teacher! :)

"how do you even respond when a kid throws a pair of scissors across the room and attempts to justify their actions by saying 'but miss, they were safety scissors...'"

Tae said...

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is the reason why I wanted to become a teacher.