26 August 2009

Need to Sell a Pilot Project?

At my first staff meeting yesterday, I presented on a new idea for an event that I had at the end of last year. It is to be a Lenten series on Interreligious dialogue where we have speakers from other faiths come speak to our parish or a group would go visit a local mosque or synagogue. When I first brought up the idea at a Christian Formation Committee meeting, the idea was met with a lot of doubt and skepticism by the members. I took their suggestions and contemplated over the past several weeks on how to present it to staff when I got back.

But I knew this time, I needed to learn from the master of creative advertising, Don Draper from the emmy-winning "Mad Men". While Gen's sister gave me a lot of grief the other day for watching this supposedly scandalous show, what we can take away from Don Draper is on how to persuade people to "buy our products". This is how to present to a skeptical crowd. He's the best at what he does.


So I learned from Don Draper, presented my pilot project, and my staff loved it. They are all for it now. Thanks Don Draper!

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