23 August 2009

1st day in DE

Things that happened on my first day:

1. I saw camels on my drive to work.
2. People were excited to see me and my mentor Sr. Catherine was pessimistic and sassy.
3. May implied that my summer was a vacation until I reminded them I was in school all summer.
4. My car died on my way home from work. (Tae was a saint and helped me out!)

Interesante...hoping for a better day 2!

P to the S...cool new website on the new translation of the mass which will roll out in ~2years: http://www.usccb.org/romanmissal/ HUGE catechetical opportunity!


Tae said...

it's true. my halo instantly got shiny and i developed 20 inch biceps (not saying that they weren't already there...)

Meli said...

hope the car is better soon!