Some of you might remember that during our closing Mass of the summer, Jerry prayed for our Bishop. We recently received this blog post (yep - our Bish has a blog!) from a diocesan staff member updating us on his situation. Please keep him in your prayers as he continues to heal and recover.
Where in the World have you Been?
On July 27th as you know, I was operated on for the removal of a suspicious polyp in my right colon. The operation was, for all intents and purposes, very successful, and my progress to returning to full health was going very well. In fact, it appeared that I would be going home in a matter of days. That turned out not to be the Lord’s plan for me. One of the remaining challenges in modern medicine is the control of infection, and I fell victim to something called sepsis. I have no memory of anything after Wednesday night, August 5th, so what I now will relay to you is the experience of my family, friends, and caregivers. With a very skilled medical and nursing team, I was rushed into surgery for a second time on Thursday, August 6th. The consequences were so challenging that my nephew Christopher felt it necessary to convene the family as my life seemed to teeter minute-by-minute, and hour-by-hour. Again through the work of a very highly skilled team of Doctors and Nurses, it slowly became clear that more is expected of my life, than to have passed away at that moment. In the intervening days my strength has returned; although I believe that I have not yet reached 50% of what is necessary to return home. I will spare you all the unnecessary and personal details except to say that when one is so sick and death seems so immanent that the love of family, faith, and the prayer of others is an important part of the healing process.
We have tried to keep my whereabouts as closely contained as possible simply to allow time for me to regain my strength, and, quite frankly, to keep the hospital staff from being besieged by flowers, cards, and other things which are gratefully received at the Pastoral Center Office, and which will be acknowledged when I am well again. This has imposed severe limitations on many people who would like to come and express their interest and love. I apologize for this, but I do not believe that it would be possible for me to be where I am today, were it not for the restrictions and privacy that I and those attending me needed.
I believe that I most likely have two more weeks remaining in the hospital, and then a period of rehabilitation. I also face a third surgery at some uncertain date in the future. However, I believe the worst is truly over, the Lord’s will for my life has been made manifest, and I can only promise that the gift of life given to me will be shared in greater abundance with all of you when I am well. Thank you for your prayers, your love and your support.
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