29 August 2008

Livin' on a High School

It’s almost 10, and I woke up naturally (or so I thought) like an hour ago, even though I have Fridays off and have nothing to do today until 11:30.

I got up to go make coffee and saw Jonathan sitting in his desk chair, miserable.

It was then that I heard it: loud, terrible, marching band Bon Jovi.

I laughed for like five minutes straight. Seriously. Flags and drums and whatever else are parading around the parking lot in front of our house.

The joys of living ON a high school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is similar to what it is like...except the HS kids are not as good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckDdE_CRClg

If they wake me up tomorrow I am gonna kill someone.