12 April 2010

On being Darth Vader

"The circle is now complete; when I left you, I was but the learner, now I am the Master."

My Echo mentor is becoming the DRE next year, a job which I've been struggling to manage since returning to work in August. We have a series of meetings scheduled between Wednesday and the end of May (when I leave) wherein I will tell her how to be DRE (well, DFF) at the Cathedral.

As I type out instructions, lists of names and numbers, master calendars and suggestions for the future, the irony is too apparent. There were so many times over the last year when I said to myself, "my goodness! I How wish I had a mentor-figure to tell me how to do what I'm trying to do!" And now I'm becoming that person for the person who was supposed be that figure all along and was simply unable to given her lack of experience and training in position.

God sure does have a sense of humor.


Isaac Garcia said...

Only a Master of Theology Darth!

God is good.

Tae said...

have you told her that if she joins you-you can rule the galaxy (or at least your parish?

...or did her lack of faith disturb you?