03 April 2009

"To contemplate the truth and to share with others the fruits of that contemplation"

I took my personal retreat a couple of weeks ago on a gloriously warm and breezy day. Below is a reflection from that day, and I thought I just might be brave enough to share it with all of you. I hope you enjoy!

I was sitting in the woods on a breezy day contemplating the inevitable struggles of life. Just then, a strong wind burst, or rather, danced through the woods and the treetops wavered threateningly, banging their branches together as the trees themselves groaned mournfully from deep within. As my eyes moved from the treetops to the ground, they followed the trunk of a tree. I noticed how even though the light branches of the canopy swayed in the wind, the bottom of the tree remained motionless. It struck me that we are just like the trees. The winds of struggle inevitably visit us time and again, and it is the tallest of the tress that are most moved. Yet how can we grow so tall as to be pushed by the wind? How can we remain standing when the wind blows? We grow little by little, and slowly. In the time it takes to grow skyward, our trunks grow sturdier and we are also growing deeper, with our roots weaving their way through the soil. Christ is the ground. Christ allows us to grow and be strong. The deeper we grow in Christ, the taller we will be able to stand in the world. Yes, the winds will visit and shake us, but they will not bring us down. Trees do not fear the wind, for they know they can withstand it. Can we then, face our struggles courageously with deep faith, knowing that we will remain strong however relentlessly the wind blows? To be sure, the wind, rocking the upper limbs, vibrates down to our very core, but we remain standing. It is our faith that has saved us. We need Christ, who is our grounding, and we need our roots of faith in Him. We will stand.


Isaac Garcia said...

Thank you for sharing Anna. I like.

A tree in a forest doesn't seem as lonely as a tree that stands by itself. A tree in the forest also has a better chance of withstanding a freak tornado than a tree that stands alone as the other trees block the wind.

Unknown said...

That's really wonderful, Anna.

We have to get you into the redwood forest sometime.

Tae said...


that was a rich reflection on many levels. for that, i am incredibly indebted to you. the title is one of my favorite quotes as it was one of the things that inspired me to get into service after graduation. i had just gotten back from Monticello before reading this and I thought about how beautiful the place was and how great of a genius TJ was. Then I was struck by "Christ is the ground. Christ allows us to grow and be strong" and that just centered me. so all in all, please continue with posting. yours are much better than the dreck that i put out there

Katie said...

that was great, anna! thanks for sharing that with us! i heart echoite reflections...

Paola said...

Anna Banana, Thanks for sharing is a beautiful and profound contemplation. I'll recalled every time the wind shakes me.
Much Echo love.