08 April 2009

Catechetical Success

I planned a Stations of the Cross prayer buffet for Palm Sunday evening, for our Religious Education students and for anyone else in the parish who wanted to come. Essentially, each station had a different prayer experience- so instead of marching around the church singing "Behold the Wood" a dozen times, the stations were scattered all over the school and included things like making crosses out of pipe cleaners, icons, lectio divina, praying while you colored, taping burdens to a cross, etc.

We were coming off of spring break, and it was pouring rain so I didn't have high hopes for attendance. I was praying that even 50 people would come. We had printed booklets and prepared food for 300, knowing that was a high estimate, and I just prayed for 50.

When I entered the cafeteria, I almost fainted. I was utterly astounded by what I saw. Every single table was full.. there were kids sitting on the floor eating. The line for food was out the door... we estimate that 300+ people had come.

It was the most well-attended formation event of the year (besides Mass, of course)... I reviewed the evaluations, and it even received high marks all around.

I have no idea how I pulled it off... but I will say this: that, my friends, is a catechetical success.


Tae said...

wow....did you know that you're amazing? because you are. i have decided that i want to be like you when i grow up.

Unknown said...

Meli, that's great! Congrats! Love the idea as well, that is so neat! You are a super catechist. :)

Isaac Garcia said...

That's awesome Meli! Praise be to God! That's such a cool thing. And I echo Lisa's sentiments, you are a super catechist.

Katie said...

aw. that's so awesome! well done, girl!

you're a rockstar.

Vegs said...

Congrats Meli! That's incredible! Great job!