10 March 2009

Happy Spring Break!

Happy Spring Break everyone! Down here in Texas it seems like most of the world is going on spring break next week... and during my spring break the weather will get a bit chilly (down into the 50s, hopefully not the 40s). Reguardless, I hope you all are enjoying not watching class and not working on any papers! I've taken some time to get some leisure reading in and it has been fabulous. In high school I read this book called "The Power of One" by Bryce Courtenay. In December I found it for $1 at a used book store and was extremely excited to discover this find. Last night I stayed up to finish reading it and it was a delight, both in reading the marvelous book again and in my accomplishment of not reading something that had to do with theology (hey, it's been awhile)! For the rest of spring break I should catch up on reading I've missed for JCav's class... oops.

1 comment:

Isaac Garcia said...

We're on Spring Break? My Spring Break is going to have to wait until the summer.