11 March 2009

The Most Interesting Coffee I Ever Had and Most Awkward Question

So I am meeting a friend at Starbucks drinking a coffee and discussing college, community living, spiritual direction, and Theology of the Body, when a homeless man comes up to us and asks me if I work for a church. I say yes (obviously) and he starts talking to me about what it means to be genuine because he heard me say the word a couple times in conversation. We talk a little and then I offer to buy him a drink (one of the few times that I was hoping that a person would not say alcohol in response to that question) and he said that a green tea would be nice. Then I get him a tea and he asks me, "What denomination are you?" From the rooftops of the Starbucks I am at, I proclaim that I am Catholic and he goes, "Ah Catholicism...Sincere and Genuine People". You can take that to the bank.

So we start walking back to my table and he asks me a question that I have never heard in my life:

"Are you Asian?"

I did my best to refrain from laughing but politely affirmed his question. He then tells me about he knew this Mormon Thai woman for a while and that Asian women were beautiful and whatnot. He then told me that all Asians originated from around there and crossed the ice bridge from Russia to Alaska. News to me. We then thanked each other for conversation and went our merry ways.


Unknown said...

I'm proud of you, Tae.

Isaac Garcia said...

Wow. Interesting conversation indeed. Crazy even. And by crazy, I mean awesome!

Katie said...

hahahaha. that would only happen to you, tae.

god googler said...

Runs the gambit from the ridiculous to the profound.

Tae said...

1) why thank you paz
2) it was crazy and by crazy, i mean awesome!
3) having a homeless man come up to talk to me or being asked if i am Asian?
4) that's the story of my life.