09 February 2009

Vatican and Technology

Interesting view that the Vatican must do more.

From Fr. Thomas J. Reese, S.J. Editor of "America" magazine.

"The Vatican still believes that all it has to do is announce a decision by the pope and everyone will greet it with enthusiasm. One-page press releases will not do it. Most large American universities have more sophisticated media offices than does the Vatican, which is the headquarters for a 1.1-billion member organization. Simply setting up a YouTube channel will not do it either. The Vatican needs a sophisticated and modern communications strategy.

The sad thing is that Pope Benedict is saying and doing many great things, but these media disasters are undermining his papacy. His words about peace, justice, refugees and the economic crisis are not being heard. Benedict wants to be a pastor and teacher, but he needs people who know how to run an organization and communicate in the 21st century, and he does not have them. The Vatican's model for the papacy is still the absolute monarchies and royal courts of the past. That model simply will not work today."

I think if Vatican City were located in NYC and not La Citta Eterna it would be different! My other comment is that this question begs a more local and personal question. How are our parishes and Dioceses effectively using technology, or not?

How should Echo or we as catechists help?


Katie said...

go jesuits!

and kudos to the diocese of st. pete for having a faith formation leaders mentorship series focused on technology this year! (despite the fact that the presenter is less than effective. you might see her at nccl if you go!)

Tae said...

ECHO should provide Blu-Ray players and discs to everyone.

but on a more serious note, i fully agree that the Vatican as well as our parishes in general need a more "sophisticated" communications strategy. i don't think it necessarily means moving the priceless Vatican museums and Basilica to New York, but having people develop a skill set necessary to work and adapt in a constantly adapting world. maybe it means being more in-tune with what is cutting-edge. the you-tube channel is a start but you-tube really became prominent like 3-4 years ago.

in the end, it's got to be all about proclaiming the message in ways that are easy for people to understand and using recent media does that.

Isaac Garcia said...

There is much that needs to be done to update technology use. I think one of the problems is funding. It's difficult to come up with the funding if it isn't already in the budget.

Something more does need to be done. Maybe there will be a position at the USCCB open for technology in ministry in a year...