10 February 2009

they're bbaaaaaaccccck


is it a good thing? (like most things, if catechized well!)


Unknown said...

they never went away! This article was definitely written from a secular point of view... I enjoyed this quote:

"“It’s what?” asked Marta de Alvarado, 34, when told that indulgences were available this year at several churches in New York City."

It makes it sound as if you can't get an indulgence at churches that "don't offer them."
I'm not an expert on indulgences but I'm pretty sure you can still get one even if your church "isn't offering."

Isaac Garcia said...

“It’s more about praying for the benefit of others, doing good deeds, acts of charity,” said the Rev. Kieran Harrington, spokesman for the Brooklyn diocese.

Good explanation. But I think the article leaves much to be desired.

It does a decent job in explaining the indulgences and describing the mass confusion over them. But then it goes on to say that the Pope and other Catholic leaders have emphasized more what sets us apart from other Christians and other faiths rather than what unites us together. I'm not quite sure the validity of these statements. It might just be that the news media picks up more on what separates us than unites us.

Tae said...

i love indulging...oh wait...is that what you meant? no?

Katie said...

my parish was "offering" indulgences. take that.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I thought the article was pretty dumb. If there's one thing the New York Times leaves to be desired, it's informed coverage of Catholic issues.

Lindsay said...

Maybe it's just me, but hasn't it always been true that praying the rosary earns a plenary indulgence if you can meet all the other requirements?

The day I ever get complete detachment from all sin, though, I hope I die. Wouldn't want to screw that up...

Lindsay said...

Oh, and count on McBrien to say mitigated punishment and easier entry into Heaven doesn't mean anything anymore...

Unknown said...

a plenary for just saying the rosary? I think some research might have to go into that one... I can see partial. Or maybe it's something that has to do with praying it in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I know there is one for reading your Bible every day. Or so I was told awhile back...

Tae said...

do i get a plenary indulgence for every time I watch The Dark Knight?

Josh said...

I sent this to the house already, but thank goodness they got McBrien in there - can't have a good Catholic article w/o him. Also, I filled in McBrien's last couple of sentences that they cut out:
" Most Catholics in this country, if you tell them they can get a plenary indulgence, will shrug their shoulders, b/c good secularist church folk, like myself, have neglected to tell them about it. We've found if you talk about something as if it's old and superstitious, most people won't even stop to think about whether it's good, beautiful, or true."
Also the part about Church officials emphasizing differences in total crap. I haven't gone a month in the last 4 years without hearing some conversation about hope/discussion for future unification.