You are probably familiar with the name Bill Huebsch. He has written many books on pastoral planning and whole community catechesis and some would probably say he's a big deal (people know him, he probably has many leather-bound books and his apartment smells like rich mahagomy). Many of us at my parish are now reading
Dreams and Visions by Mr. Heubsch. It started with the Pastoral Council, then expanded to the finance council, other councils, and Department Heads. We are to read it in preparation for our Leadership retreat coming up at the end of this month. Those actively involved in our parish have a true desire to make St. Andrew's a great parish, and they're even thinking more about whole community catechesis.
What caught my attention in my reading of this book (I'm still on the first chapter), were several questions posed: What do you want the outcome of all your efforts to be in your parish? What do you want people to take away from their encounter with the parish? What do you want to happen as a result of your ministry? (pg 9).
I'm sure we've come in contact with similar questions before, but if you're like me, we sometimes forget the importance of asking ourselves these questions and evaluating where our programs are going. Is it really important that the high school students in religious ed learn the nuts and bolts about our faith, or is it ok if they do not retain much of the information, but instead they actually have an encounter with Christ? I know we know this, but sometimes it's nice to be reminded that conversion comes before catechesis.
Happy catechizing!