23 November 2009

The New Evangelization

So the joys and "Hot Mess" of NCYC are now over and its good to be back home. 24,000 screaming teens, the Jason and Crystalina talk, a 30 min concert by Matt Maher, a phenomenal Mark Hart talk, and the smiles and prayers of the teens made it all the crap of being a chaperone worth it. I compare it to a fusion of a Lifeteen conference (the singing and dancing) and World Youth Day (the chanting in the sidewalks, trading of items, and less charismatic stuff). All great stuff that sent the kids out on a spiritual high...but I believe that there's a better way to evangelize.

As you may know, Charlie Weis is soon to be disposed of as the Head Coach of ND Football. My friends (including our one-and-only Isaac Garcia) and I have been sending each other around 50 emails about the possibilities of who will replace him. At the top of everyone's list-Urban Meyer of Florida-2 time National Champion, has resurrected every program he's been at, and was named after the Popes (talk about a devout Catholic family!)

I told someone about the 50 emails that we have been sending about the tantalizing possibility of Urban Meyer and she said that my friends should spend more energy on saving the world or something like that. I relayed this message to my friend Kevin Baker and he responded with this:

"If Urban Meyer comes to Notre Dame, we will win National Championships. If Notre Dame wins, then the school and the Catholic Church will be in the mind of every kid out there. All those kids in poor urban areas will want to study hard and get into ND. Then they will come to visit Notre Dame, see the Basilica and the Grotto, convert to Catholicism, and then soon- we will have a bunch of Catholics running around. And who wouldn't want that?"

The person I told this to simply said, "Touche." So what can we all do for the Catholic Church? Pray that Urban Meyer becomes the next Head Coach. For sure.


Isaac Garcia said...

Does Brian Kelly do the trick?

Katie said...

ohh. yeah. what do we think of him??

Tae said...

he might be the Guy. im hopeful after the Press Conference. more hopeful than i was before He seems like a good motivator and that's what we needed. And he seems to get what makes Notre Dame Notre Dame. the whole "It" Factor that is so necessary. we shall see.