04 December 2008


So we've got this 20-page paper to write... that was technically due approximately 3 days ago... and I still have less than a page. Oops! What better way to procrastinate than to write on the blog! Duh.

Here are some of the things I've done to keep from writing my paper:

Clean my room.
Do laundry.
Watch Pushing Daisies on abc.com.
Read the blog.
Catch up on my Facebook stalking.
Keep busy at work.
Update my Google calendar.
Online Christmas shopping.
Put music on my iPod.
Make chili.
Keep track of the Marquette basketball team.
Take a nap.
Paint my nails.
Clean the coffee pot.
Send text messages.
Return phone calls.
Go grocery shopping.
Reorganize the refrigerator.
Spend 10 minutes trying to think of other things I've done to procrastinate...

I'm running out of things, and I'm actually starting to write my paper! Ut oh.

What have YOU been doing?? :)


Unknown said...

I have 2 pages single spaced... I've also been g-chatting, zoning out, reading other stuff, checking e-mails every other minute, doing young adult things at night...

Katie said...

my procrastination moved to youtube. and i found this. a little mario kart love.


Paola said...

Sleeping, eating,working,going to the doctor, taking Cardiokick classes,installing a converter box,Talking long distance to Colombia for hours with my 13 Year old brother, Watching colombian "novelas" via Youtube, getting a migraine...Let's see...that's about it...Oh I almost forgot...Pray and cry. That's it!

Meli said...

i've just been writing my paper...
i'm not very good at procrastination. oops.

Unknown said...

Meli, you're too much.