17 November 2008

Who Said Rap/Hip-Hop Isn't Catechetical?

This weekend at Immaculate Heart of Mary, we had a Confirmation gathering of all the 8th graders (school, CRE, Academy, homeschool) and their parents and sponsors. The kiddies break off into groups and one group is "fortunate" to have me as their "leader". Anyway, we got to talking about what Confirmation is and what it is not.

It is not 1)graduation from being Catholic 2) a get-out-of-jail card 3)a reason to be on Super 16th bday party.

We got to a point in the conversation where it was like "What's the point in Confirmation then?"

And I said, "To help you 'Live Your Life...hey hey hey.'" while doing the fist pump. In Class. The kids laughed. I got to quote T.I. & Rihanna and be bada$$ for another day.

Speaking of bada$$, i caught a girl text messaging in class and called her out by simply saying, "Caitlin. Stop text messaging" while looking the other way. The class was stunned. Legendary. For Sure.


Anonymous said...

Tae, you are such a badass. And by badass, I mean soft.

Isaac Garcia said...

I see you're already perfecting the eyes on the back of your head thing.

Tae said...

yeah im working on my whole alastor moody (if you don't read HP, look him up) impression.

i also called her out for flirting with this guy incessantly in class. another sheer bada$$ moment if i must say so

Katie said...

you called her out on flirting?! that poor girl. that seems unnecessarily embarrassing for her.
but well-done with the texting catch.