12 October 2008

3 Cheers for YAM!

YAM, as in, Young Adult Ministry! I wish there was a better acronym for that... oh well. This past week was crazy; I did a young adult related activity 6 days in a row! So here is a preview of the young adult ministry in the Diocese of Fort Worth. Normally it isn't this busy!

Monday: Small Church Community (dinner and "bible study" on the upcoming Sunday readings)
Tuesday: Theology on Tap (which is awesome here!)
Wednesday: Holy Family/Saint Andrew Young Adult Leadership meeting
Thursday: Diocesan Young Adult Council meeting and going out for a drink afterward
Friday: Symphony night! We scored more free tickets for the symphony, went out for a drink after that as well
Saturday: Flag Football practice (The diocese puts on sports tournaments 4 times a year; the fall is flag football for charity)

On top of that Jerry came to visit on Wednesday and Thursday and we had lunch with the Bishop on Friday. Jerry's visit was great, we gave him advice and we ate at a steakhouse. He also said that St. Petersburg spilled the beans on Echo 5 (I guess they told him about our blog). :O


Katie said...

false. he already knew about the blog. (i think. i don't really remember.)

Unknown said...

well, I was just using Jerry's words. I think he is the one who said you guys "spilled the beans"... whatever that even means anyway!

Unknown said...

You know, come to think of it, it kind of came up and we assumed that he already knew. And he acted like he did, but he never said. It could well have been a surprise.

Oh, Jerry, you always keep us guessing!

Isaac Garcia said...

Fact: Milwaukee house told Jerry about the blog.

Katie said...

i appreciate the clarification, isaac. :)